What’s Special about Takasu is the people! 〜高鷲の魅力は人だ!〜

Takasu, in the mountains of Gujo, Gifu Prefecture, is a village known as a winter sports mecca. It’s a drive from Gujo Hachiman, the historical castle town of the region, famous for the summer Bon dancing festival. I’ve been visiting the Gujo region for four years, coming first for the dancing and then returning for the food and scenery. And while this visit was my first time visiting Takasu, I was reminded of why this region is so special to me—the people.
Especially at a time when the population is dwindling throughout rural Japan, Gujo, and Takasu in particular has shown me that it’s the people in rural areas that make a region special. One way of thinking about the history of Japan in the modern era is as a history of urbanization. Starting in the 19th century, and then in the high economic growth era of the immediate post war, the rural areas were emptied out as villagers moved to the cities in search of employment. And with urbanization led to a stagnating economy in rural, depopulated areas. Of course, Gujo was no exception to this. It is within this historical context that the inhabitants of Gujo and Takasu are seeking to create a mountain region suited to the twenty first century. Instead of empty slogans and mascots that do nothing, these villagers are working with each other to create a new vision of rural Japan.
Though Takasu is known for winter shorts, in recent years, climate change and changing economic patterns has significantly decreased both the ski season and the number of visitors to the region. Farming remains a hard life, as it has always done. The villagers have as of late, been seeking out new ways to entice tourists to their area. But, the work the villagers are doing extend beyond mere tourism promotion. Starting with the project this article is a part of, the Takasu-no-su project, the villagers of Takasu are seeking to revitalize their village and make it an enjoyable place for locals and tourists. They are seeking to create a rurality that they want to live in, suitable for elderly and young residents alike.
I visited Takasu last December. It hadn’t snowed much, but the weather was refreshingly cold with a soft mountain breeze. The trip had everything I enjoy—mountains, onsen and tasty food. I was also able to meet some of the locals who are trying to create a new Takasu.
Take Shunsuke Minoshima. His family owns Kozaemon, a local minshuku, a Japanese style bed and breakfast, with a history that goes back eight hundred years. Until recently, the bulk of the guests were domestic skiers. Now, Minoshima, who spent many years travelling extensively abroad, is trying to make his family business more welcoming to a wider range of visitors. There are English signs everywhere, and the website is bilingual too. But it’s not just about widening his customer base. For Minoshima, he’d like to use his family business as a tool to make more people within and outside of his region more aware of the beauty of Takasu. That’s why he started working on the Takasu-no-su project. “There’s no rural region like this in the world. We have beautiful nature, and it still feels like a rural hometown. And yet, it’s easy to get to from urban areas. It’s easy to live here. It’s a unique village.” That’s why Minoshima is building off of what’s already here and trying to make it more livable in the 21st century.
Another villager working hard to revitalize the area is Tank café owner, Takaya Kawabata. He also grew up in the region and is trying to find a way to make Takasu the ideal village by staying true to its roots and making it more suited to current lifestyles. He started the café because he wanted a place he could go hang out at with his friends. Part of the reason was also to make a place that tourists would want to come visit all year. “Summer is so great in Takasu, and I wanted to create a place where I could share that with people.” In addition, he was thinking about revitalizing the region for locals as well. “When I was young I had nowhere to go and ask advice. Now I realize that if I had had that, there would have been a lot of short cuts I could have taken.” So, Tank café is also meant to serve as a hub for Takasu locals—a place to hang out, eat good food, and get some advice. Tourists and locals alike come for hot pot in the winter and barbecue in the summer. I bet its popular precisely because Kawabata successfully created a place he himself wanted to frequent.
But it’s not just Kawabata who is building places that are needed in Takasu. Two years ago, local mothers created a community spot called San-san House using an empty shopfront next to the food store San-ei. They wanted a place they could bring their kids to and talk with each other. Complete with a hearth, it’s a warm and inviting place. Now, babies play here, as grandmothers have tea, and moms sit and chat. They saw a lack in the community, and they solved it. They are creating the rural village that they want.
From visiting Takasu, I realized that what’s special about a rural village is not its scenery or farms but the fact that rural communities help each other out. As someone who grew up in Tokyo, and has never lived in the countryside before, visiting Takasu and learning this was a revelation. I came to see that this has the potential to create new forms of community in the twenty-first century. Perhaps this is too obvious and every day for locals to merit notice. But that’s the importance of an outsider, every so often. They show you the things changing around you that you don’t necessarily notice.
I have come to see from my visits to Gujo that the future of Japan must come from somewhere like Takasu. It isn’t enough anymore to think about economic growth in in century. We have to consider nature, history, community. From the country can come forth new interpretations of traditional relationships to nature. We have to learn how to create a new generation of young people who love their hometowns, and have an eye on the world. This has to come from working with each other, in tandem. That’s why it must start from Takasu. And guess what? It already has.
Writer キャサリン・ワトレー